Monday, January 26, 2009

Movement for Progressive Change In Nigeria

Movement for Progressive Change In Nigeria

Slogan: Wake Up Nigeria; Time For Change

Nigeria Now

Despite the availability vast Nigerian economic resources and men and women of intellect inside and outside Nigeria who are ready to make themselves available for services to the nation, Nigeria is still bedeviled with the anachronism of under development in its polity, economic and social services. Nigeria lacks basic amenities of life: constancy and regularity in the supply of electricity; uninterrupted water supply where water is supplied at all; availability of delivery of adequate health system, manifesting in the lack of drug and deficiency of hospital facilities; qualitativeness and quantitativeness in educational facilities ; economic viability in transportation facility as a result of lack of modern road, rail and air network.
As a result of which most Nigerians wallow in poverty with deficiency of food and housing while the ruling class, the politicians are overpaid and over- pampered as the workers at individual, private and corporate level are under-paid, ignored and treated with disdain and disrespect.
Nigeria is bedeviled with institutionalized corruption in all her spheres of life.
Even the police is not adequately prepared to fight crime as policemen are made to buy their own shoes and touch-lights and other equipments from the corrupt money that they get from ‘wetin you carry’ road check .
Nigeria can no longer be allowed to continue to drift if it is to survive as a nation.
We are therefore obliged to do something before calamity strikes.
Our Mission:
Our mission and aim are:
1. To formulate strategy to develop Nigeria from a politically and economically backward country to a politically and economically progressive country in the shortest possible time.
2. To politically restructure Nigerian multi- party system to a tri-polarity bloc of left-center and right with a view to cleansing the political spectrum to enable our people make reasonable choices at all elections.
3. To hold the Nigerian Constitution sacrosanct subject to its amendment in accordance with the letters and spirit of the constitution with periodical constitutional conferences as may be necessary.
4. To sensitize our people as to their role by holding the politicians accountable for their deeds.
5. To ensure internal democracy in our party structure and ensure democratically inclined competition among the political parties to ensure that our people are given opportunity to meaningfully participate in electing their representatives at all levels of government.
6. To promote integrity and ensure ethical behavior for our public office holders both at political and bureaucratic levels.
7. To ensure that political parties design meaningful manifestoes by which their performances would be measured in government.
8. To ensure that the public draws benchmark by which budgetary allocations are dispensed and accounted for.
9. To try to bring these changes within our framework of political system or necessary to take other constitutional measures that would help to achieve our aims and desire for the interest of our people.
10. To promote openness in government as a means of developing ethical integrity to fight waste, corruption, favoritism, nepotism and tribalism in government services.
Philosophy: Our basic philosophy shall be to adopt the position of Basic Rights Advocate In Nigeria (BRAIN) with a view to ensuring that the government lays good foundation for the supply of necessity of life – education, health, housing, employment, food which will depend on the adequate availability of infrastructure like water , electricity, mobile transportation network, sophisticated communication facilities , schools , hospitals and mechanical agricultural industries that will stimulate manufacturing industrialization thereby economic development- and to make the people demand if that is not the case .
The time to start is now in order to make progress everyday and every moment. We can no longer wait.
Methodology: To embark on political socialization of our people towards our aim by working together to do in addition to saying what is desirable.
To generate debate in all our spheres of life and to analyze our problems and arrive at possible solutions and to take actions to implement these solutions arrived at.
We do not want to accept the concept of gradualism to wait for more years after 48 years of Independence when our people are yearning for democracy that is routed in their culture with the history, experience and aspiration of freedom enshrined in our constitution in pursuit of happiness and realization of dignity for every Nigerian which they have fought for in the past and continue to struggle for.
The time is now for Nigeria to modernize her democracy and democratize her capitalism.
After fighting foreign colonialism, military dictatorship, Nigeria can no longer tolerate modern despots in democratic garment. Now, is time for action and every Nigerian is invited to contribute in words and in deed to the wake up call for change on a great nation, Nigeria whose foundation was built on the dreams of our founding fathers, Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo , Ahmadu Bello is ready to take her historic proud and rightful place in the community of Nations. Wake up Nigeria-Time for Change.

By Bari Salau


  1. This is a good start, please let's keep it going

  2. Congratulation Mr.Akannifor this creative and beutifull blog . It is very inspiring and your comment is very encouraging for our people to follow your good example.
    Thank you ,

  3. if this is the way forward let us not relent on our efforts. by olatunji Almaroof

  4. Thanks for the beautiful idea but there is need for more actions to be taken in realising the dreams of our people and give them what they deserve within the contest of human rights. Could anyone states how this could be achieved and manage to bring back dignity and happiness to our people especially the common man.

  5. Memorable quote from a leader needs revisiting"I have never regarded myself as having a monopoly of wisdom.The trouble is that when most people in public life,and in position of leadership are spending whole day and nights carousing in night clubs or in company of men of shady characters and women of easy virtue,I,like a few others am always at my post working hard at Nigeria problems and trying to find solutions for them" AWO

  6. More than two million copies of THINGS FALL APART have been sold in the United States since it was first published here in 1959.Pick up a copy and re=read, it should be relevant to our new world as seen by Chinua Achebe one of the great intellectual figures of all a concern friend.

  7. Personally, giving the enomounsity of our problems It is my believe that creating another new party is not our priority right now.We can merge with existing party to pursue our goals.The core of our believes will always remain same.See how long ANC in South Africa was created and still YOMI

  8. Mr. anonymous's quatation of the Sage is a food for thought. I read recently the lamentation of Nigerian leaders about the missed opportunity of not fully utilising the gift in Awolowo. Fortunately Awolowo was not a momemtary leader, he was a leader and still a leader for all time. He put his ideas in many books- Thoughts on Nigerian Constitution, Voice of Wisdom,Voice of Reason, Voice of Courage, Strategy for the Federal Republic of Nigeria, March to prison ,AWO like no other Nigerian politician ever done. It will be usefull to be real about Nigeria if we reffer to these documents from time to time.
    Karmar , your contribution is our challege .What do we do to benefit the common man , That is our challenge as Awo once said 'It is the duty of the government to determine the needs of the people and find ways and means of satisfying them ' I hope those in government are listening.
    Another Anonymous suggests there is no need to form a new party. That is true and good .Already we have too many parties . But how are they functioning? Our goal is to make them functional and if that would not work, Nigerians have the right to discard them and form manageable political parties to further their interest.There is no 'no go' area as long is the cause is just and constitutional. All opinions are welcome to make Nigeria better.
    Let us keep on trucking . Here we go. Let's keep talking and learn how to work our talk and thought.
    Bari Salau

  9. I appreciate all comments made and I thank everyone for contributing. I 'll like to take this forum a step forward by opening up the blog for anyone of you to post your article and allow others to comment on it. Please email any relevant article to me at or Thanks so much for all of your efforts

  10. Tha nks to the creative minds of the pioneer of this forum,however events are rather moving too slow in the face of the discussios for the creation of The United states of Africa long time deu after the succesful union of the European Union.When we have several super power contries,such as China,USA,Russia,India to name a few,it is time to start focusing on Africa.Unfortunatetly each state in Africa or should I say each country is on identity problem in which case your present efforts will be relevant.Let us work within while working together.The only thorn issue for now is where to put the capital for The United States of Africa.On Nigeria start by focussing on what to put on the ground whithing Nigeria otherwise it will take years to reach your Tunji.

  11. Unted States of Africa is a desirable goal but not untill each of the component parts knows and works the value of democracy.
    Africa has cause to be proud of after slavery and colonialisation , Africa has risen to see his son Obama,an Afriacan America rule the world as President of God's own country, America. Africa shall unite to the ultimate power. Let's keep trucking.

  12. Considering all the mineral and human resources we have been blessed with in Nigeria, I think we can all agree that we, as a nation, are far lagging behind politically and economically. God gave us so many George Washingtons, Abraham Lincolns and even Obamas but we have on several occasions either murdered them when they are students or incarcerated them perpetually as adults.
    Per Kamardeen’s question as to how we can achieve the changes espoused by Bari, I think we can be practical in our approach for a start. For instance, we can not waste too much time on playing a long-distance kind of politics which usually amounts to nothing but sheer intellectual political exercise on the long run. We either need to be physically on the ground (in Nigeria) collecting data or at least have people on the ground who are willing, passionately committed and ready to give us factual analysis of the feasibility of our mission relative to the political mood of the masses. In other words, we need to know whether or not the masses are ready for such changes.
    We also need to choose carefully a viable vehicle/political party to carry out our mission. I agree with Yomi, “we can merge with existing party to pursue our goals” to the extent that such political party is open minded and allow easy access to the leadership where policies are made. I don’t think we have the time to climb the leadership ladder from the bottom through bureaucratic process where our mission can easily be stifled. This is one of the problems of the major political parties in Nigeria today. The leadership is choked by few ignorant old elites. I am interested in knowing whether Yomi has a political party in mind and why.
    In regard to the United States of Africa, I totally agree with Tunji. In fact, I had a similar Idea in the mid 1980s. My vision was a unification of African countries under the umbrella of United Sovereign States of Africa (USSA) – not to be confused with USA and USSR. That should tell you that no one has copy right over Ideas! The essence of my Idea was to consolidate all the mineral resources of Africa and allocate portion to radically industrialize the continent.
    Keep writing guys, it is good for the soul. Email any article you wish to post on the blogspot to mr. or

  13. This is exactly what I am talking about.I am always convinced that Africa is blessed with everything,human resources,beatiful minds like those of the sage and his late compatriots,mineral resourses,lands and all it takes to be in the fore fronts of all mankind devolopments.when akanni thought of his USSA as far back as 1980,i for one said Nigeria governors do not merit a so called chairman of local government while the so called PRESIDENT of African states doest merit any governorship of anything.It is not bigness that matters but qualitatively what one can derive from components of an entity.why we are focussing on nigeria let us lock into the activities of the African Union.We need to get into their website to let them know we exist.What does it take to move our activities to the Nigerian shore? We can not do all our businesses on the forum of a blogspot either.We need to call the conferrence of like minds for this summer before meeting in nigeria.There needs to be concrete tactics and forward strategies right away.Suggestions like pooling essays of like minds to be so controvercial for publication in a major nigerian newspaper or to sponsor a major interview that can be carried in any of the media outfits in Nigeria.Please let us be civil in our writtings. not to be too vulgar.The practical aspect of our activities should be actions actions and actions,way to go Yomi

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Gentlemen, I heard on the News this morning about a new internet program that was supposed to make blogging more efficient. It is a kind of mini blogging called Twitter. Guess what? This “new Idea” is what we are currently doing – exchanging comments on the net! No one can copy right Ideas! Keep writing
    Adesina Akanni

  16. Guys,we are been upstaged by not criticaly lending our voice to the new development on the african landscape.whether Gaddafi is a consummate showman or a jet setter,he is now the chairman of African union an organization that morphs from OAU to AU and now fighting to become USA{United States of Africa}.It is ironic tha a dictator who has ruled his country for 40 years will now be the vanguard for 53 African states to move a unified merger.When democratic South Africa or Nigeria cannot lead the perch why not gaddafi?The exoduse of millions of African children in the form of brain drain and millions more remaining behind and wallowing in abject poverty demands a radical transformation that unfortunately gave us the type of character in the mode of Gaddafi.The buffoons co-tailing Gaddafi in the pictures arround the world speaks volume.The ideology to pool resources for developments and common African passport for free movement whithin the continent demands input from all of us.Whether we like it or not sooner than later The Union will take hold.We are in an era of President Obamas change.Join the fast train YOMI

  17. Aha! folks,I was expecting comments from my discuorse on the African affairs when I read the vice president of Nigeria asking for submission or canvasses for expansive projects to save Africas Economy.Which comes first?The chicken or the Egg? How can you just ask a member of organization to just donate or contribute to a trillion dollar project to save Economy.Iam sure one of them would say look my economy is not as strong as yours therefore I cannot give you more than I have,but if the country is a component of a whole it will be easy to work out the economics of the cost.They want a project? We will give them a project!How about openning up the whole continent by providing a four to six lanes road conecting all African States.By the time they get down to that it will create so much employments no one will like to leave africa for Europe or America.This project will open up other auxillary jobs that will probably end poverty in the land because you will want to provide accommodations for those driving the project and you will want to feed them therefor sourcing for food and of course looking for monster equipments or implements to accomplish the task.Form United States of Africa and half of your problems are solved.Look, guys, we are ways ahead of these visionless individuals.Where were they when Democrats and Republicans were slugging it out and spelling out what can drive any economy to fruition.Needles I say much those who are capably of driving the vehicle of progress are not on the ground.Let me here from you compatriots.By Yomi

  18. Folks! This is the Point Contact for African Union:Chairperson H.E.Mr Alpha Oumar Konare.TEL.{251}1514554/{251}1517700 Ext120 Fax;{251}115513036. By YOMI

  19. Finally IBB has spoken.He testified that Abiola duely and un equivocaly won june 15th election against Tofa the oppositional republican candidate and that he annulled the election because of security reasons.He said he knew for a fact that had Abiola been decleard the winner Abiola would have been toppled by a coup process.What he never disclosed were those who were in a position to have moved against Abiola,but we all knew better for the group of Abacha was on the sideline to strike at a twinkle of an eye.Several times I had challenged IBB to come forward by spilling the beans More to come from IBB as we get closer to another administration.Have fun Yomi

  20. To me IBB has not added anything to what has been known on the annulment of the June 12 election.He has only put salt to injury.
    There are many questions for IBB to answer on the June 12 annulment.
    Was he is really interested in handing over power power?
    Why was he "pushed" out by the Abacha forces who he might have alluded would have toppled the Abiola regime?
    Did he not have an understanding with Gen. Abacha which he reneged on transfer of power?
    Why did Babangida nullify the primary elections of the SDP and NRC and dismiss their constitutions and membership of the parties to give room to 'strangers' who never registered as members of any of the parties innitially to become Presidential candidates of the parties after the party constitutions have been instrumental to electing governors ,legislators ,chairmen and councillors at the State and local government level ? Why did IBB change the rule when the game was in an advanced stage ?
    What was the role of IBB in prompting his friend Senator Nzeribe in using his Association of Better Nigeria through the late Jerry Okoro, a fine gentleman,to go to court to seek judicial injuction ,which was given, to stop the election a day before June 12 election ?
    What did IBB mean when he addressed the diplomatic mission ambassadors during the June 12 crisis to the effect that the problem was not with the conduct of the June 12 election but with the process that led to the conduct of the election ?
    Why was Abiola cleared to run for the election when he was a registered voter at Ikeja where he actually voted while his membership party registration was said to be in Ogun State from where he was elected the SDP Presidential flag bearer against the provision of the electoral decree that specified that a condidate for any election must be a registered member of his party in the same ward where he is a registered voter?
    Why was Alhaji Tofa's name not found in the voters' register in the day of election and he was the NRC Candidate that ran against Chief Abioala ?
    If IBB could answer the questions posed above ,there would be no doubt as to the fact that he was instrumental to the security risk posed for the June 12 election .
    If the annulment was to save Abiola's life as President ,as Abiola said during the crisis 'with a friend like IBB one does not need an enemy'.
    Chief Abiola was not a President , yet he still died in the custody of the military as "a freed detainee"
    Abiola would have preffered to die in a coup as a President as he told IBB when he met him after the anulment when IBB told him if he de-annul the election ,he and Abiola would be killed and Abiola replied him he was ready to die as President.
    Bai Salau

  21. Hear YE O Lord that your blessing has finally been showered on all Yorubas having agreed to henceforth meet at Ikene where our beloved sage lived,died and buried.For all Yorubas in diaspora we urge you to get ready to make the pilgremage to Ikene whenever the opportunity arises.The promised revolution has started.The stone throned to scater the children of ooduwa has finally been picked up by mama yeye Awolowo and cast away into the sea.Regardless of any political leaning or affliation Afenifere becomes our unbrella organization We the unrepentant Awoist will remain committed to all Awo doctrines.UP AWO UP YORUBAS BOTH AT HOME AND IN DIASPORAS.By Yomi

  22. See new post above regarding Yomi's comment on Ooduwa's meeting

  23. Breaking news from The Times of Nigeria:Nigerian Ambassardor in US Fired over spat with the Yaduar Minister of foreign Affairs.All comments so far read missed the central issues.Nigeria property sold Washington D.C and half of the money disappeared without any accountability.Under this administration two different standards exist.A diplomat Abassardor Rotimi owns half a million dollars home in Florida under the nose of the President that appointed him.Good ridance.The property that was sold was under the watch of the former Ambassardor to US.By Yomi

  24. Global economic crisis is eating the souls of nigerians without nigerian leaders properly shifting to serious emergency mode.It is like we told you so,ganging up to raise oil prices in the OPEC Cartel will always spell doom.On the street of Lagos,Dollar is been sold for one hundred and seventythree naira.Mono-cultural nigeria Economy needs another direction.By YOMI
